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Applications of Maifan stone in water filtration industry


In the water filtration industry, Maifan stone is known as one of the types of mineral rocks that contains many beneficial minerals for human health and helps to provide the best quality water for users. To learn more about Maifan stone and its effects on the water filtration industry and RO water filtration systems, Karofi water filter invites you to refer to our detailed article below!

What is Maifan stone?

What is Maifan stone?

Maifan stone is a natural mineral rock containing up to 45 essential and beneficial minerals for human health. It has been mainly used in traditional Eastern medicine for thousands of years, and in recent years, it has begun to be widely applied in the water filtration industry under the research of many experts.

Maifan stone is non-toxic, has a warm and sweet property, so it is often called by other names such as "longevity stone" or "life-giving stone". With its medicinal properties, Maifan stone is often used to treat diseases related to the nervous system, insomnia, digestive system, skin, and more. Maifan stone is not available in Vietnam but only appears in some countries such as Japan, Korea, China, and especially since 1578, China has started to apply Maifan stone in medical treatment.

The effects of maifan stone in the water filtration industry

Today, maifan stone is not only applied in the medical field but is increasingly being used in water filtration technologies. Specifically, we can see the miraculous effects that this type of stone brings to the water filtration industry as follows:

Supplement essential minerals

Supplement essential minerals

Because maifan stone contains up to 45 different types of minerals, it is capable of providing the body with many beneficial minerals. Especially when placed in a water environment, it can increase the amount of oxygen in the water and bring vitality to users. It is for this reason that maifan stone is often placed in flower pots, pickle jars, fish tanks, and more.

Eliminate odors and remove harmful impurities, bacteria

Eliminate odors and remove harmful impurities, bacteria

Maifan stone contains millions of tiny pores, so it can absorb harmful impurities, bacteria, pollution-causing substances, heavy metals, or organic compounds in the water. Additionally, maifan stone can also deodorize, prevent decay, break down heavy metals, have antibacterial properties, neutralize toxins in cement, and more. Thanks to this feature, it is also commonly placed in refrigerators to eliminate foul odors, or used in the cosmetics industry to enhance skin beauty

Softening hard water

For sources of water with too strong acid or base properties, when adding maifan stone to the water, it will turn alkaline with a pH of 7.2 - 7.4. With this pH level, the water is considered safe and suitable for human health. Thanks to this characteristic of maifan stone, hard water containing a lot of lime and heavy metals will be transformed into soft water, activating the quality and filtering out clean water sources for consumers.

Ion exchange and positive impact on the body

Ion exchange and positive impact on the body

With the function of ion exchange, maifan stone is capable of cleaning various types of impurities in water, bringing essential minerals to the water for users. From there, it helps stimulate growth, stabilize physiology, enhance cell activity, and metabolism...

Infrared radiation

Maifan stone infrared radiation affects surrounding objects. If the food absorbs these infrared rays, it will become fresher and more refreshing. Far infrared rays from this stone also have the ability to enhance blood circulation in the vessels. Thanks to this feature, maifan stone is also used in manufacturing, anti-electromagnetic waves in electronic devices, fermenting tofu, wallpaper, etc.

Application of maifan stone in RO water purifier Karofi

In addition to the general benefits for the water filtration industry, Maifan stone is also specifically applied in Karofi's RO water filtration system.

In water filtration machines that use Karofi's exclusive Smax water filtration technology, Maifan stone particles are often found in the mineral filter to remove odor and create essential minerals for drinking water.

It can be seen that Maifan stone brings many practical benefits to the water filtration industry in general, and in particular to Karofi RO water filtration system. Hopefully, this article has provided you with important and useful information on the applications of Maifan stone in daily life.

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