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Challenges in Water Resources in Saudi Arabia


Despite nearly 100% of the population in Saudi Arabia having access to drinking water, the country remains one of the most water-scarce nations in the world today.

Challenges in Water Resources in Saudi Arabia

Inefficient water usage

Saudi Arabia is the third highest country in the world in terms of average water consumption per capita. This consumption has increased from 227 liters in 2009 to 263 liters in 2019.

Inefficient water usage

Furthermore, intensive agricultural development programs have depleted the underground water sources, making them almost non-renewable and degrading the quality of water. Agricultural water consumption accounts for 72% of the country's total water consumption.

Issues related to desalination

Issues related to desalination

Saudi Arabia has been a pioneering country in desalinating salt water since the 1950s and has become the largest desalination country in the world. Approximately 7.6 million cubic meters of water are produced daily, accounting for 22% of global output. However, this puts significant pressure on the environment and energy security. According to a World Bank report in 2013, Saudi Arabia burned an amount equivalent to 1.5 million barrels of crude oil per day for desalination. Additionally, desalination affects air and marine environments through the release of carbon dioxide emissions, harmful gases, saltwater, and other hazardous chemicals into the air and sea on a daily basis. The cost of producing water through desalination also increases by an average of 4% annually, reaching $1.09 per cubic meter of water in 2010.

Issues of water loss

Water loss in the distribution network is one of the most significant water challenges in Saudi Arabia. The estimated water loss in this country is much higher than the global average. According to data from the National Water Company, water loss ranges from 25-40% in major cities, and the overall picture may be worse due to the lack of clear estimation of water loss, as different sources indicate varying technical and commercial losses. This discrepancy contributes to the inefficiency of control systems and ineffective data collection. Moreover, areas with installed meters are not identified, and the payment and fee collection system is not effectively monitored.

Wastewater Pollution

Wastewater Pollution

Untreated wastewater discharge is one of the major environmental issues that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) faces, as the current capacity of wastewater treatment plants is insufficient. Furthermore, the stormwater drainage system is connected to the wastewater network. As a result, the volume of water reaching the wastewater treatment plants exceeds their capacity, leading to direct discharge of untreated wastewater during peak periods.

Water scarcity issue in Saudi Arabia

As mentioned in the previous sections, Saudi Arabia is facing the risk of water scarcity without appropriate changes. In March 2019, Saudi Arabia launched the "Drop" program to address the Vision 2030 goal of conserving non-renewable water resources. The program aims to reduce average daily water consumption per capita by 43% by 2030, from 263 liters per person per day in 2019 to 150 liters per day in 2030.

Water scarcity issue in Saudi Arabia

It focuses on changing individual behaviors by raising awareness about water issues. Additionally, the program rationalizes water sources to protect natural resources and all aspects of life dependent on water. It shares initiatives with the public and private sectors through programs that reduce consumption and address water leaks through infrastructure updates and leak detection technologies.

The water scarcity challenge is the most critical issue that the Saudi Arabian government faces currently and in the future, especially considering severe climate change and a growing population.

Solutions for the water scarcity issue in Saudi Arabia

Due to water scarcity, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has constructed several dams to store rainwater for irrigation purposes, particularly in the southwestern regions of the country, such as the Bish Dam and the King Fahd Dam.

King Fahd Dam

Saudi Arabia provides substantial subsidies for water supply, as the government has authorized private companies from around the world to build desalination plants. The government also purchases water from these companies and sells it to Saudi Arabian households at a lower price to keep costs down for consumers.

desalination plants

However, as mentioned above, this solution faces challenges regarding water and air pollution.

The ideal solution for the current water scarcity issue in Saudi Arabia is the use of the latest RO water filtration technology. Karofi, a leading Vietnamese water filtration brand, takes pride in its advancements and research in cutting-edge water filtration technologies.

The latest models of Karofi water purifier

Karofi KAD-N69 hot and cold water purifier

In addition to the common features of Karofi's hot and cold water purifier products, the KAD-N69 model is equipped with new features such as:

The overflow sensor technology

The smart overflow sensor technology

The overflow sensor technology of the Karofi KAD-N69 hot and cold water purifier is a breakthrough feature that provides convenience and absolute safety for users. With this technology, using the water filter becomes simple and there is no longer any concern about water overflow causing waste and harm to the environment.

Designed with advanced sensors, the Karofi KAD-N69 water purifier has the ability to automatically shut off the water flow when it detects water on the surface of the product. You can use the Karofi KAD-N69 water purifier with peace of mind, without worrying about forgetting to turn off or adjust the water flow, while also contributing to environmental protection and cost savings.

Specialized Valve - No Water Loss During Power Outages

The Karofi KAD-N69 hot and cold water purifier has a notable feature in addressing water shortage issues during power outages.

Specialized Valve - No Water Loss During Power Outages

During a power outage, many traditional water filtration systems cannot operate, leading to a halt in water supply for users. However, with the specialized valve of the Karofi KAD-N69 hot and cold water purifier, users do not need to worry about water loss in such cases.

This is particularly useful in short-term power outages or when there is no backup power source. Users can rest assured that the Karofi KAD-N69 hot and cold water purifier will maintain clean water supply and convenience even during power outages.

Karofi KAD-L56 Hot and Cold Water Purifier

For the first time, the new-generation Smax water tank is incorporated into the Karofi KAD-L56 hot and cold water purifier.

The Smax water tank is an advanced product with remarkable features. Firstly, its cooling speed is astonishing, increasing up to 70%. This means you can have refreshing cold water instantly with just a twist of a knob. No more waiting, you can enjoy a cool glass of water right away after a long day of work or during hot summer days.

The Smax water tank not only cools quickly but also maintains long-lasting deep coldness. This meets the demand for cold water from multiple family members. You don't have to worry about the water in the tank quickly losing its coldness when used by many people, as you can continue to enjoy its refreshing coolness throughout the day.

Karofi KAD-L56 Hot and Cold Water Purifier

Another advantage of the Smax water tank is that it is made of premium materials. The product is certified as health-friendly, ensuring that there are no harmful or toxic substances for the users. This guarantees safety and peace of mind when using the product in your household.

In addition, the KAD-L56 is equipped with features such as multi-layer thermal insulation technology and a high-end anti-dry hot tank system.

Through this article, you have gained certain knowledge about water issues in Saudi Arabia. If you are interested in our products, please contact us via WhatsApp +84837748966 or visit our website: Karofiglobal.com/en for free and fast consultation.

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